Email: office@green-creations.com / Tel: 0664 88 23 41 22
Wiener Neustädter Straße 43/1 - A 2551 Enzesfeld
masu decor elements
masu decor elements
As individual as you want it to be!
decor elements change your masu all year round!
Spring, summer, autumn or winter - with masu decor elements in many different colors and designs, your windowsill looks great all year round.
Use your window sill all year round!
With different decor elements, masu can be individually designed and is already available in 8 colors and 3 designs:
We have the right decorative element for every facade color, window color and every color of your plant or decoration.

(colour: sun yellow)
Decor elements can be exchanged or combined for every occasion, season, mood.
Decor elements can be changed with one hand (easy & click) and additionally secured with a locking pin.
Decorative elements can be clicked on both sides of the crossbar - even simultaneously.
There are 5 pieces in each pack of "decor elements" - suitable for a masu basic set or a masu extension set.
A separate sack is included in the scope of delivery for storing unused decorative elements.
Decor elements are constantly appearing in new colors and designs - we are happy to inform you about them.
To do this, sign up for the newsletter. In our webshop, decorative elements can also be bought individually.
masu makes window sills, thin-plated plinths (e.g. roof terraces) or similar structures safe and usable - for "urban gardening", decoration, camping, advertising, lifestyle, ...
masu® - modular adapter system für urban gardening
masu® is a brand of GREEN CREATIONS®